Discover the Charm of Linz: From its vibrant city center and historic landmarks to its unique culinary delights, Linz, Austria, offers a rich tapestry of experiences. Here’s a glimpse into some of the city’s most notable attractions that capture its essence and allure.
Sofar Sounds Linz returned after two years break
Sofar Sounds Linz returned after two years with a new team. We organise secret intimate concerts in special places. Read about the concept, complexity and the team.
Erstes Sofaconcert in Linz
Eine aufsteigende kanadische Sängerin namens Joey Clarkson, ein Gitarrist, eine Tourmanagerin und 24 Musikbegeisterte waren letzten Donnerstag (9.6.2016) in unserer Digital Business Management- alias Digital Beast Master WG zu Besuch. Alle waren sie unserem Aufruf zum Wohnzimmerkonzert gefolgt. Am 22.11.2016…