Dense atmosphere, emotional, touching texts and an interested audience were the ingredients for the second English Poetry Reading of the Living Poets Society in Linz.
Yesterday evening it was time again for english poetry in the Ursulienhof Landeskulturzentrum. The event took place in the gallery of the Association of Upper Austrian Art. Under the motto English Poetry meets Arts, poets and interested people met to read and listen to mostly self-written texts. The various and

Audience during 2nd English Poetry Reading
partly very emotional lyrics left a thoughtful and captivated audience. The following table shows that in total nine poets from eight different nationalities participated in the 2nd version of Living Poets Society. At the End of the Text you will find some pictures of the evening.
Many thanks to Katharina for offering the location and Laura for the support by organization. The event was main organised by Phillip Burmester (Board member of International Graduates Club). I look forward to the next event that will probably take place in August. Our next event is the Running Dinner N°7 Linz (what means Running Dinner – wrote in German).
Table: List of artists including country of origin and poem.
Chelsea | United States | Our life is like a play (poem) |
Katharina | Austria | Short prose (“The Diver”), 1 poem (“missing mr k.”) |
Phillip | Germany | You poem about friendship |
Andresko | Chile | in progress |
Katrin | Austria | For Maya (poem) |
Georgina | England | Hands (poem)
Antonia | Croatia | 2 poems |
Soso | Kambodscha | One poem |
Laura | Italy | Short poem |
Dichte Atmosphäre, emotionale, berührende Texte und ein interessiertes Publikum waren die Zutaten für das zweite English Poetry Reading der Living Poets Society in Linz.
Am gestrigen Abend den 08.06.2017 war es wieder soweit für englischsprachige Poesie im Landeskulturzentrum im Ursulienhof. In der Galerie der Vereinigung Kunstschaffender Oberösterreichs (bvoö)fand die Veranstaltung statt. Unter dem Motto English Poetry meets Arts trafen sich Poeten und Interessierte um größtenteils selbstgeschriebene Texte vorzulesen und zuzuhören. Die verschiedenen und teilweise sehr emotionalen Texte hinterließen ein nachdenkliches und gefesseltes Publikum.
Vielen herzlichen Dank an Katharina für die Stellung der Location und Laura für die Unterstützung bei der Organisation. Phillip als Hauptorganisator ist Board Member vom International Graduates Club Linz. Ich freue mich auf das nächste Event, dass wahrscheinlich im August stattfindet.